A Year In Review

At the start of 2020, we all never could have anticipated what the rest of that year would have had in store for us! I was able to attend a few conventions at the start of the year - UchiCon & Anime Impulse in January, and C2E2 & KatsuCon in February - before the lockdown was announced in March. I spent a lot of time isolating, editing, and educating myself on new techniques, but later in the year I did resume socially distanced photoshoots, provided the client could provide a negative COVID-19 test. I am so grateful for the clients who were respectful of my regulations during the pandemic, and despite the unforeseen stressors that this year brought, 2020 was a year that shifted my approach in photography! I realized that instead of exclusively attending and photographing at conventions, I could organize my own event and local shoot days, and still be just as (of not more!) successful!